Tea Seed Pellet

Tea Seed Pellet contains 12-17% of the tea saponin, and tea saponin is a kind of hemolytic toxin, can make the fish red blood cells of melting, thus can kill miscellaneous fish, loach, snails, mussels, eggs, tadpoles and part of the aquatic insects. Widely used in fish ponds clear pond, high-grade lawn pesticides, etc

For Agriculture use:

-Herb kills golden snail quickly and effectively, harmless with environment and add nutrients to the soil, improve soil.

- Move follows water into the golden snail's mouth. Immediately affect the respiratory system, then the digestive system. Make golden snail be viscous, can not eat, can not move and die.

- Kill golden snails very fast and very effectively, kill both big and small golden snails.

- Add nutrients to the soil.

- Be herb origin, be safe for human and ecological environment.

Dosage: 2.5-3kgs / 1,000 m2

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